Development of a measure, report and verification protocol for enhanced rock weathering to improve soil fertility
University of Kent
Project objectives
Small rock particles, (fines) a by-product from quarrying, can help to remove carbon from our atmosphere. They react with water to form carbonates which are then washed into our rivers and seas where the carbon is stored. This process can be sped up and made more efficient by increasing surface area. One way to do this is to spread the rocks over fields and farmland. Small-scale studies have shown adding these rock fines to farmland can increase crop yields as they release essential micro and macronutrients, improving soil health. This project will explore the impact of different particle sizes, rock types and application rates to maximise how much carbon can be stored. They will also measure the improvements to soil health. The data could lead to new commercial collaborations between quarry owners and farmers, with the additional environmental benefit of removing more carbon from our atmosphere and healthier soils.