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Horticultural Trials Services

Crop research / agronomy


General description

The horticultural industry is continually evolving and innovating to meet the changing demands of customers, consumers and the ever increasing need to manage our environment and grow our crops in a more sustainable way. Before new products are introduced to the industry, they must be scientifically evaluated and compared to existing controls. NIAB offers trials services to allow such evaluation to take place.

Technical description

We offer a range of technical support through bespoke trials services, technical innovation, independent evaluation and commercial demonstration, all of which is accredited by ORETO, ISO and GEP. Specifically, we offer help in crop protection, crop production systems, vines and wine production, variety and novel crop trialling, true-to-type DNA fingerprinting and growing media trials. Crucially, the work we do is independent, authoritative, comprehensive and impartial.

Use: Trial space (e.g. glasshouse compartment)

Location: New Road, West Malling, Kent, ME19 6BJ