Plum Demonstration Centre
Crop research / agronomy
General description
The Plum Demonstration Centre was established at East Malling in 2015 as partial fulfilment of an Innovate UK funded project which set out to improve the profitability of UK grown plums. Previously funded by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, it is now supported by a consortium of UK plum growers who are currently using it to demonstrate ‘best practice’ in tree management, irrigation, and nutrition.
Technical description
The Centre currently covers an area of 0.85 ha and is divided into three discrete areas. The first area to be established demonstrated Victoria grown on a combination of different rootstocks employing different tree training systems. The second area includes four polytunnel bays covering eight crop rows incorporating four rows of Victoria, two rows of MallingTM Elizabeth and two rows of selection P6-19. The third area has been set up as a variety trial incorporating 23 varieties and selections including Victoria, with the aim of spreading the harvest season from late June through until the end of September.
Use: Trial space (e.g. glasshouse compartment)
Location: New Road, West Malling, Kent, ME19 6BJ